The CP-TLG Top Load Case Packer is a compact system that seamlessly fits into production lines. The system accepts cartons at a predetermined rate and then collates the pack pattern. The case packer will pick the required count and top load the case.
Top Load Case Packers can be beneficial when running product that is difficult to collate and pack in a horizontal orientation. Examples include paint cans, bottles, pouches, jars, and bags. Top-load case erecting is typically more complex than end-load case packers,...
The TP-RCP – Transpacktor Robotic Case Packer can run high-speed case-packing operations that exceed 20 cases per minute. The system features a Linear Servopack for collating products and an AFA gantry robot to load products into loading funnels.
AFA recently developed a cartoner to handle WIP totes of cartridges. The cartoner picked cartridges from the WIP tote via a gantry robot and placed them onto an infeed conveyor.
The MK-CCE is a compact carton erector and bottom sealer that can handle various carton dimensions. Cartons lengths up to 11″ and widths up to 5″ are achievable on this system.
The MK-LSP is a rigid cartoner that can handle various product applications. The cartoner’s linear servopack allows the system to collate products at high speeds (over 150 ppm).