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  8.  » HD-CMS
The HD-CMS – Heavy Duty Continuous Motion Autoload Sleever is a robust and heavy-duty sleever that can handle high-speed applications. The HD-CMS features a timing screw infeed that accepts jars, tubs, or cups from a single lane. The timing screw will ensure the product is on the proper pitch for the bottom lug conveyor to drive the product through the machine. After, a high-speed rotary feeder will place the sleeve on top of the product. Finally, a closing system will wrap around the sleeve and then seal it via hot-melt adhesive or locking-tabs. The HD-CMS features a very compact and robust frame capable of up to 200 ppm. The HD-CMS comes complete with Allen Bradley Servo Motor and Drives as well as an AB CompactLogix PLC Controller.

The heavy-duty carton sleeves features 4′ sleeve magazine with a belt conveyor to ensure adequate back-pressure. This set-up results in very positive picking by the rotary feeder. NEMA 4x enclosures are also available on this high-speed sleever. Optional features such as servo-assist changeover, open-flap detection, and sleeve prebreak are available on the HD-CMS Sleever.

Key Features

Servo Driven Rotary Feeder

Can either run continuously or intermittently.

Customized Infeed Systems

Servo driven timing screw infeed to handle a wide range of products.

Servo Driven Top Squaring Chain

Provides square bottom seals on sleeves.

Intuitive Allen Bradley PanelView HMI

Intuitive screens allow access to servo motor control, recipe changes, machine operation statistics and more.

Sleeve Flexibility

Flexibility in design allows the HD-CMS to handle a wide range of sleeves.

Optional Features

Extended Magazines

Are available to limit operator intervention.

Washdown Construction

Can be constructed using stainless steel or equivalent for washdown capability.

Manual or Semi-Automatic Loading

To reduce overall machine costs, manual or semi-automatic loading is available.

Glue or Tuck Closure

The HD-CMS can be set up to handle glue or tuck closures.

All Axis Servo Changeover

Push button servo driven changeover technology allows extremely quick changeover.


Cups of Product

Yogurt cups as well as other types of cups can be handled by the HD-CMS.

Blister Packs

Blister pack sleeves can run up to 200ppm.

Tubs of Product

The HD-CMS utilizes a timing screw to run tubs of product.

Pouches of Product

Single or dual lanes to handle your pouches of product.

Flow Wrap Product

The HD-CMS can easily integrate with upstream flow wrappers.

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