Below are the different product accumulator models that AFA offers. Please note that AFA can customize each machine to your specifications.
AC-RPA – FIFO Product Accumulator
The AC-RPA – FIFO Product Accumulator accumulates product on a first in first out manner. This process allows the production line to maintain its manufacturing orientation, which enables effective quality control. The accumulator can be custom designed to fit with your unique application.
AC-VPA – FILO Product Accumulator
The AC-VPA – FILO Product Accumulator can accumulate a large volume of cartons or other product so operators can diagnose downstream machine faults and still have upstream machinery in production. The system features Allen Bradley controls and servos.
AC-HPA – Horizontal Product Accumulator
The AC-HPA – Horizontal Product Accumulator acts like a conveyor dispensing product in the same order as it receives it. The accumulator balances two systems that operate at different efficiencies. The system can also act as a buffer in the event downstream equipment goes down.