AFA featured in Measures of Success: Benchmarking High-Performing Ontario Firms
In November 2010, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Business Advisory Services, undertook a benchmarking study to measure the contributions that Ontario’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make in areas such as innovation, exports and employment. 651 companies in Ontario participated in this study and we are pleased to announce that AFA Systems was chosen as one of the 40 top performing firms.
According to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the top performers are recognized leaders in their industries, which has helped them succeed on a global level. They have attained that status through various strategies, such as patenting their technologies worldwide, exporting to five or more markets and recruiting a multicultural workforce to help them penetrate new markets more quickly and effectively. Many participate in international conferences and trade shows and are actively involved in their industry associations. Click here for the report on AFA Systems. Click here for the full article.